Shimul Ghosh
PhD Student

Shimul Ghosh is a Ph.D. Student in Civil Engineering (Environmental) who is joining the Qu[E|M] Lab team in Spring 2023. He is studying water quality and the human health impact of on-site sewer systems (OSSs) in Louisiana using several microbiological approaches, such as quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) and microbial source tracking (MST). He received his M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh. He had been working as a ‘Research Assistant’ at the International Training Network (ITN-BUET) for 1.5 years. He successfully conducted a project on the Effectiveness of household Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh. He provided input in preparing Bangladesh's National Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Catalogue. In addition, he was involved in arranging numerous capacity-building training programs on City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS), a public service approach to achieving SDG 6.2 goals of adequate and equitable access to sanitation and hygiene for all. He has developed his research interest in environmental microbiology, environmental sociology, rainwater management, and waste and water treatment. Aside from research, Shimul loves to explore the beauty of nature in new places, try different foods, watch movies, and learn to know about other researchers’ scientific works, especially in his research area.